In Search of the Bravo car from the Soap car

The automotive world is the most complex domain around us. There are people who identify themselves with the car they drive, in fact; they boast their egos through their cars. Then there are consumers and for them, cars are the basic toolsSamiSiddiqui of commuting from home to an office. For them which car, what type of car doesn’t bother much as long as it stays with them with worriless donkey years. Hence they barely scratch the surface and more often end up in the mass metro system resting their faces either on the windows or snoring on other’s shoulders.


Rearview Mirror associate, Naveed Mushtaq added: “there are some smart people who look for the value a brand is offering. They compare features; intricate details, technological enhancements, the driving experience and whether or not the piece of metal they are squinting at…have a Soul?! Does it warrant the hard-earned money they have pushed and shoveled for through various stages of their lives”?

Here at Rearview Mirror, we are covering midsize sedan’s category (also known as D-segment large cars). They are large family sedans that seat around five adults with comfort. Automakers also offer them as entry level “Executive/ luxury compact cars.” The Reason is simple consumers who buy Midsize sedans, their primary goal is the comfort level, which is directly related with accessories a car is laden with and equally important as the saying goes “size does matter” put them in a comfort-zone. For some automaker according to type of market (in terms of spending and buying power), these cars are the volume car segment and the breadwinner for the whole company.

Before we begin the grueling test with lots of “if and buts,” likes and dislikes honesty to fondness. Stretching our bodies beyond the comfort zone and at the same time honoring the car donor company’s time schedule with ours. This all leads to mind-numb state.

Hence to put forward the search of the “Bravo” car from the rest of the “Soap” cars. We set some standards and criteria to judge the car.

  • Design Aspirations: The dynamics a relative segmented car should deliver? Is she just a beauty without brains? Ergonomics for everyone; driver and the occupants?
  • Safety: Simply do our lives mean anything to the car companies?
  • Performance: Did the car get the oomph and fun to drive factor that brings the smile on a face? Did the car accomplish the intended goals set by the manufacturer or is it just an advertisement ploy?
  • Value: Does your hard-earned money reflect as the labor of love? As the car is equipped with gadgets that prove to be of worthy of extension of your desire?

Keep watching this space here at Rearview Mirror as we try bringing forward our “Bravo Car”.

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